We have decided on Clayfield College. What a relief to have that decided. Now we can make plans. Sophia will start prep on January 27. Until then she'll be going to a little preschool nearby a few days a week...unless she's hanging out at Byron Bay with mom. At first I was upset we couldn't get Sophia into a school right away and now I think it's a blessing. We get to hang out together longer and practice our Aussie accents. It's like an endless summer!
Clayfield has been wonderful in helping us find our feet here. We are being introduced to other families and invited to different Clayfield events. By the time January gets here, Sophia will be dressed in green and ready to roll. (I think Carl voted for Clayfield because of the SA colors.)
So for planning purposes...here's the school calendar for next year so you can plan your visit accordingly. Of course it doesn't matter when you come, but we will have lots of flexibility between terms. 2010 TERM DATESTerm 1: Wednesday 27 January – Friday 26 March Term 2: Monday 12 April – Friday 18 June Term 3: Monday 12 July – Friday 17 September Term 4: Monday 4 October – Friday 3 DecemberWe actually picked Clayfield because the Prep classrooms reminded us most of Poe Co. Plus there are boys...believe it or not, we missed that boy energy at St. Margaret's. A very weird phenomenon without it. There are other reasons too like the people. Clayfield has made us feel special and welcome and it's a bit tattered around the edges, kind of like us.Yay! (The pictures may be slick but the place is not.)
Sophia having a beverage at Hutch. A corner cafe near Macquarie St.
So what about that uniform? you ask. Well, being the fashionista she is, the Clayfield uniform is actually a selling point because it's so much better than Poe's. At least the girls can choose between dresses, skirts or shorts. And there is no khaki involved...just ask Roberta about that (yes, Anna Grace's mom). Of course, my opinion of green isn't much better than khaki but there's no need to mention that. :-)
American artist living in Queensland, Australia. Mother to Sophia, the best little girl in the world. Married to the nomad, Carl and contemplating happiness. This blog is a compilation of notes from here and there.