notes from here and there


Living Proof that the Universe Listens

At Crescent Head, NSW.

 Just when I asked Teya, "How exactly do I find connection?" The answers start coming. First there is her direction to "air it out" and "speak" and then amongst other "signs" I find this post at Slow Family Living. I'm posting it to my blog not so much for you but so I can catalogue and find it later when I need it. (I have a terrible memory when it comes to the how to's and what for's of intimacy and connection). That's a very good reason to keep a blog, by the way. Blogs are a great way to sort through all those ideas, thoughts and experiences that we soon forget and lose track of. And you thought this blog was just for you.


Getting Connected from Slow Family Living
  1. Write letters, send postcards every chance you get. Keep stamps in your wallet so that whenever you think of someone, you can jot them a quick note.
  2. Talk it through.
  3. Say sorry. Even times when you’re not really sure what you’re sorry for. Be sorry that there was strife. In the name of peace and love.
  4. Forgive. And forget. And move on.
  5. Give people a second chance. More if they’re family. And if they’re your children, give them endless chances. (Thanks Mom!)
  6. Ask people questions about themselves. Your family and friends and also people you meet on the street. Whether you’re at the grocery counter or the bank or the gas station, talk to people about their life.
  7. Listen to the answers.
  8. Make the connection when you think of making the connection. When you think of calling someone, call them at that moment.
  9. Have extra beds on hand for guests. Or cots. Or sleeping bags. And lots and lots of blankets.
  10. If you have to choose between order and quiet or mess and noise, go for the mess and noise. It might make you a little crazy but there’s plenty of time for order and quiet when you get old.