notes from here and there


Bulimba Again: WeeMusic with the Wee One

Sophia on the ferry to Bulimba.
On the way to WeeMusic.
On Fridays Sophia and I take the ferry across the river to Bulimba for WeeMusic. (Same for ballet.) It's a short walk to the ferry crossing and a short ride across the river. It's so nice to ride the ferry to class. The water is calming and relaxing and the stroll up Oxford St. is always interesting with it's array of little shops and cafes. 

Sophia loves Weemusic. She only wishes her Grammy or Ouma could take her because the other two students are there with their Granny's. **Big Sigh** Sophia is learning how to play some instruments and how to sing with an Australian accent. She plays the glokenspiel, cymbals, drums and a triangle. It's challenging but she's learning about pitch and rhythm. She likes to correct me and Carl all the time, rightly so.
Me. Taken by my assistant.
We can see Bulimba from our apartment and looking out our window is like looking peering into the fish bowl of another world. Life seems slower paced over there. The streets are wider and the houses and lots are bigger. I love Bulimba. It reminds me of the Heights except it's on the river. Bulimba is so close and yet so far away. To get there by car is probably a 20 minute drive. If we could drive across the river it would be 2 minutes. 

The crazy river. 
My chagrin with this is that Bulimba is a lovely, funky family suburb and Sophia's school is on the other side of the river. What to do, what to do.