Yesterday I took the Citycat to Southbank...over to the museum area and library. I was fantastically surprised to find such stunning architecture, not just the libary but the museums as well. (I'll post pictures of the museums later. I wasn't in a picture taking mood that day.) What I love best about the architecture is the public spaces: magnificent courtyards with pools, ponds and waterfalls mixed with sculpture and of course, the cafés and coffee shops.
Australian's take their tea breaks seriously and why not? So this idea of tea time is built into all their public spaces. I didn't have much time at the library but I noticed two alfresco dining areas at the front, one up, one down. Maybe there were more at the back. At the museums there were several places to stop and have a bite to eat and a coffee. All of them lovely places to take a break.
notes from here and there